Peak District Music Centres holds a very special place in the hearts of many of our former players.
You will have fond memories and some of you will have spent almost all your school years playing in a succession of our ensembles. Friendships made through PDMC, your Ensemble Directors and your experiences of unforgettable performances will still be with you.
Many of you will still be playing and, for some of you, PDMC will have helped lay the foundations of a career in music.
Peak District Past Players
To remain in touch with your PDMC years we have created Peak District Past Players to bestow special life membership status on all who wish to sign up.
To enable you to keep up with both your peers’ news and the latest news from PDMC, we have a dedicated Facebook page (coming soon) for current and evolving news and posts.
We will also develop this page to include the latest news and stories not only from PDMC but from past players' contributions too, including memories, photos and updates.
What this includes
Performances – we've held occasional "Alumni" concerts in the past, and we will soon be starting 'PDMC POPS' for Past Players, parents and supporters.
Donations – if you're in a position to do so, we welcome all donations to help sustain today's PDMC to a new generation of young musicians.
Support us by just being a part of our extended family
We'd love to hear what you would also like to get from such an association.
The only information that we will require is an email address and your consent to
our keeping your name and contact email on our records. Membership will be free and will be offered automatically to all future leavers and to all past players whom we can trace.
You can help with this by spreading the word to others of your peer group that you are still in touch with.
If you are one of our 2024 Y13 leavers, we'd also love you to complete our short online survey here (even if you decide not to join Peak District Past Players) to let us know how your PDMC experience was.